Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting America back on track

There are many things that need to happen to get America back on track to be the country that God intended it to be. I will name a few here to get started.America is the greatest country on the planet. Our founding fathers intended America to be a moral country, we have allowed our country to be hijacked. We each need to be responsible for our own lives, not dependent on government. The first thing to do is get God and prayer back into schools. We need to get back to the a strict interpretation of the constitution. We need to rid the congress and courts of progresses, democrat or republican. There are so many areas of our government that need to be changed. States need to be more responsible for governing. Federal institutions like- Health,education and welfare should be disbanded. All of these areas should be state issues. We have to turn the system upside down. More local government less federal government. The federal government needs to stop sending our money to other countries especially the ones who hate us. States should be allowed to drill for oil with in there borders if they want to. The EPA should be disbanded as a federal agency, and be a state agency if it exist at all. Another group that should go away is the Federal Reserve. The current spending spree is a disaster for our currency. We need to go back to the gold standard, before our paper money becomes no better than wall paper. Then if you have the time or inclination we can talk about health care and abortion. Health care is not a right, it is your responsibility and the abortion is just wrong and I do not want to pay for any. well that should get the discussion started. Thanks Mike

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